Here are some photos from my life lately. I guess most of them are from last month. Things have been going really well.. The weather is getting nicer and nicer and the store is doing amazingly well so far. Everything is exciting and new and full of possibility. I think spring can make you feel like that sometimes. Jim is done with school, which means we don't necessarily have to stick around Philadelphia anymore... I've been dreaming of moving for a couple of years now... Somewhere with a lot of trees and streams and mountains to wander up..
I apologize to the two people who read my blog for my absence, it's been a while! That's because my partner Dani and I have been working day and night to launch our own vintage store. Disowned Clothing Co.'s online shop is now up and running and you find can our hand selected vintage pieces at Also, on tumblr we're giving away a really awesome pair of vintage sunglasses in celebration of our grand opening. You can enter the giveaway here.
What else is new? Trying to adhere to a regular training schedule for aerials. I'm finally noticing that my form is getting more fluid and refined. So, that's exciting. Anyway, here's a video of me doing a drop on the corde lisse: