Friday, August 26, 2011

The Garden.

Just a quick update on our skylight garden... As you can see it's growing and growing everyday. The sunflowers are so huge we had to lower them, and the cucumbers are beginning to flower! The tomatoes are doing fine and we now have a sizable basil plant in the make-shift shoe-organizer-planter thing. Tomorrow I'm taking a train to Lewistown to meet my dad and I'll be staying in Blanchard for a week. I'm happy to be getting out of Philadelphia again - Last weekend I stayed with a friend in Brooklyn and we explored her neighborhood and ate all sorts of good food.

I promise to come back from this little trip with lots of film to process and a very big (and exciting) secret to reveal. Until then! xo 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My love don't care about time.

Here are some glimpses of life lately: A walk in the woods, my dad's plants, Loretta lazing in the sun, bikes rides on the river trail, and lone visits to the art museum where I walk around for hours filling my eyes with beautiful old things. My favorite thing about the museum is that they have the largest collection of Marcel Duchamp's works on the planet. I've been in that room a million times and every time I go I want to stay for hours. The piece above is called The Bride Striped Bare by her Bachelors, and my favorite piece is, of course, Given: 1. The Waterfall, 2. The Illuminating Gas, which you view through two little peep holes in a dark room. Fantastic.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Things I Like: The Traveling Circus Part II

Well, I guess "Things I Like" won't be a weekly thing... It'll just be a whenever I feel like it thing. I really was expecting to be able to update this blog more often, and I still think I will once I get into the swing of things. I've just been really busy lately. Good busy. Anyway, if you missed Traveling Circus part I you can find it here. All images in this post via the wonderful Circus Blog.

My Bicycle.

Look! I'm actually making good on my promise to post more of my silly little creative pursuits. Yesterday I took my bike out into the alley and slapped on a ton of golden star stickers while Ludwig watched from the window. I ended up adding even more than are in the pictures. I've always had this overwhelming compulsion to decorate and embellish everything with stars and glitter... I suppose I'm the exact opposite of a minimalist. I need a lot of visual stimulation. Anyway, I think the stars are just what my beat up old Free Spirit needed. Now she sparkles.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm like a beggar in the sand with the sky in my hand.

Just some random photos I took but didn't ever use for anything. The photo lab I usually go to is waiting for equipment repairs, and I suspect they'll probably just scrap film processing in favor of going strictly digital. Sad, sad. This is why there hasn't been new film images from me on the internets lately. My apologies. I've found a new lab I'm going to use from now on, so I should have some new work on here Tuesdayish.

This week has been really nice. I have been working outside all day in various Philadelphia parks, which has been absolutely lovely. I get to do fun things like ride carousels and eat ice cream with little kids. I've also been sticking to a pretty strict regimen of exercise so as not to be terribly slow when I start doing aerial acrobatics regularly. Yoga three times a week and a two mile run four times a week on top of the regular strength work out I do has got me feeling really good. Oh, and the aerial workshop I mentioned in my last post was phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal. I'm starting regular classes in a couple of weeks and I'm ridiculously excited. 
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To fare on - fusing the self that wakes... and the self that dreams.