Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Too Many Projects.

I have a really bad habit of having way too many projects going on at once. Pictured above is one of many I have going at the moment. This problem is contributing to my other problem of not posting as often as I wanted to. My solution? I will just start documenting my little projects to post on my blog! Trust me... This is nothing like a D.I.Y. post. To be perfectly honest that format isn't for me...I'm not really the 'instructions' type.  So, I'll just show you some pictures and tell you I'm sewing sequins on a sparkly vest I bought at the thrift store near my house. Stay tuned to see how it turns out.

In other more general news.. Things have been going really well for me lately. I got another gig teaching someone photography/photoshop stuff, which is really a challenging and fun thing to do for work. I'm really loving working with all these different people, and working for myself. Making a living outside the confines of a standard nine to five job feels really damn good. I am looking forward to this weekend because I'll be doing an aerials workshop. Super excited about that. Sooo happy. I love you summer... Won't it stay July forever?

1 comment:

  1. The first photo with all the sequins looks so magical :) it's like nostalgia from childhood, and all the crafty stuff we used to do at school x.


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To fare on - fusing the self that wakes... and the self that dreams.